Saturday, September 8, 2018

Service, Service, Service, and Upcoming Transfers

Aug. 21, 2018
This week has gone by super fast. We haven't really been able to teach any lessons.  We have been mostly looking for people to teach. We went on exchanges with the Spanish speaking Elders this week. It was kinda awkward though because I just kinda stood there while the Spanish Elder talked to the people in Spanish. 
Washington is literally on fire. There are 4 or 5 fires all through Washington. The smoke wasn't too bad at the beginning of the week but yesterday there was so much smoke that you could barely see anything past 100 feet. It was thicker than most fog I've seen. We have also been told we can't go out in it because it is now so bad it's a health hazard. Otherwise this week has been a good week. We did some service, but toward the end of the week we couldn't really tract much, so we were mostly visiting members and potentials. 

Aug. 28, 2018
     I feel really bad I didn't tell you that our p-day got moved from Monday to Tuesday because of zone conference on Monday. It was really good. We had an Area 70 there, and he had some really good insight. 
    We have two more weeks until transfers, my companion thinks he is going to be transferred out before he finishes my training, so that'll be kinda sad. But the other guys in the Zone who could possibly train me are all pretty chill so it hopefully won't be too bad. 
    We painted a trailer house this week. It's kinda funny because the first 40 minutes we get most of it knocked out but then the other 50ish minutes people are just struggling to find things to do because all of the unpainted parts are hard to get too and usually require special paint brushes. So most people just stand around while 3-4 people are on ladders doing stuff. 
    My talk went pretty good. I had several people come up and tell be they really liked it. So that was nice. The bishop actually came up to me later and asked me to come to his house later that day to talk to him and his wife because their daughter has something similar to what I had. So me and my companion went over and talked with them about my journey. It was hard because the drug that finally helped me is not very good for children and their daughter is 5-6. I gave the wife mom's email so they could get some insight. They sound like where we were 4 years ago. 
Sept. 3, 2018
   We had a bunch of service projects this week we pulled weeds and tore up a backyard to get it ready for grass two or three times. We also helped put up a canopy and bolt it to the house. We had a traditional Chinese lunch at that house it was super good. 
   Transfers are coming up next week so we are all kinda stressing out about that. I hope I don't have to move. This area is hard and there isn't a lot of teaching opportunities but I have grown to love it here. 
   This week we actually met a New Zealand Princess. She was hanging out at a members house. Funny story: the member's son was actually supposed to have left on his mission to Fiji last month but he broke a piece of bone off his foot and it floated to the top of his foot. So he's having to wait to go on his mission. He goes into the doctor this week, and if all goes well he'll be able to leave on the 25th. The Princess is going on a mission too. I don't remember where though. 
Me and my companion had a mini photo shoot this week so this is me with Carly (our car).

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